

The Navajo language is sacred to the Navajo culture from the early times, back in the 1800's. 

"President Ronald Reagan gave the Code Talkers a Certificate of Recognition and declared August 14 'Navajo Code Talkers Day' in 1982." (CIA, 2016)

Many Navajo Code Talkers sacificed their lives to protect their lanuage and the United States from anymore attacks on them. After the war the code talkers returned home with no medals honoring their fight. After the Navajo code talkers returned, the code talkers were not recognized by the U.S. government. The Navajo people believes, if you kill someone your taking away someones spirit, so the Code talkers had to see a medicine man. National code talker day was declared on August 14, 1982 on July 26, 2001 in Washington D.C. The united states awarded code talkers with gold and silver for there outstanding service of the original 29, only five were living, four were able to attend the ceremony


Getting Started

Navajo Code Talkers



Why It Matters

Philip Johnston